Sie trägt die Serie 'Natural Comfort'aus 100% nachhaltigen TENCEL™ Fasern, ein perfekter Begleiter für alle Lebenslagen.
TENCEL™ Fasern, auch bekannt als Lyocell, liegen derzeit voll im Trend. Was macht das Material besonders und was sind die Unterschiede zur beliebten Baumwolle? Wir verraten Ihnen alles Wissenswerte über TENCEL™ Fasern und Baumwolle.
Bereits die hochwertige Kleidung der Griechen und Römer bestand aus Baumwolle. Bis heute wird Baumwolle für ihre Leichtigkeit und großartige Materialqualität geschätzt und ist damit die wichtigste Ressource für die Textilindustrie. Der Anbau von Baumwolle erfolgt auf Baumwollplantagen in tropischen und subtropischen Regionen, da sie frostempfindlich ist und besonders im Reifestadium viel Feuchtigkeit und Wärme benötigt.
Baumwolle ist in der weiteren Verarbeitung naturbelassener als TENCEL™ Fasern. Baumwolle wird direkt zum Garn versponnen, wodurch sie die typisch strukturierte Oberfläche behält und die Einzelfasern nach wie vor erkennbar sind. Bei HANRO verwenden wir nur hochwertige, langstapelige Baumwollfasern wodurch das Endprodukt glatter, glänzender und weicher wird. Baumwolle ist unserer Haut physiologisch am ähnlichsten und fühlt sich wärmer an als TENCEL™ Fasern. Vor allem im Winter kann durch das Anrauen der Baumwolle ein kuscheliges Gefühl entstehen.
TENCEL™ ist der Markenname der Firma Lenzing AG für die Faser Lyocell. Sie ist eine sogenannte „Man-made Zellulosefaser“. Dabei handelt es sich um einen industriell hergestellten Stoff, der aus dem natürlichen Rohstoff Holz gewonnen wird. Die Faserherstellung ist aufgrund eines geschlossenen Kreislaufes besonders umweltfreundlich. Am österreichischen Standort der Lenzing AG werden ausschließlich europäische Hölzer zu Zellulose weiterverarbeitet. Sämtliches verwendetes Holz stammt aus zertifizierten und nachhaltig bewirtschafteten naturnahen Wäldern und Plantagen.
Lyocell wird im Gegensatz zur Baumwolle zuerst aufgelöst und dann über Spinndüsen zu einer Endlosfaser verarbeitet. Dadurch erhält der Stoff eine geschmeidige Oberfläche und einen edlen Glanz. Vor allem in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit läuten TENCEL™ Fasern eine neue Generation ein. Der Rohstoff Holz ist schnell wachsend, braucht weniger Wasser beim Wachstum und in der Verarbeitung. Zudem vereint Lyocell die Eigenschaften bekannter Naturfasern perfekt: kühlt so wie Leinen, ist saugfähiger als Baumwolle und hat einen seidigen Griff. Für sportliche Aktivitäten eignen sich Produkte aus TENCEL™ Fasern besonders, da sie schnell trocknen. Im Sommer haben sie durch die glatte Oberfläche zudem einen temperaturausgleichenden, kühlenden Effekt.
TENCEL™ ist das neue IT-Material: Aus Holz gewonnen, vereinen TENCEL™ Fasern die körperklimatischen Eigenschaften von Baumwolle und Leinen, während sich der Stoff sanft wie Seide anfühlt und dezent glänzt.
„Beim Designprozess ist das Material besonders wichtig. Gerade das weiche, fließende Material aus TENCELTM Fasern lässt die Schnitte edel und elegant wirken. Dass diese Stoffe auch noch nachhaltig sind, ist ein absoluter Pluspunkt.“
Produktmanagerin bei HANRO
Expertin Claudia Brugger verrät uns alles über den neuen Trendstoff
Was sind TENCEL™ Fasern?
CB: "Die zertifizierten Fasern werden aus dem nachwachsenden Rohstoff Holz in einem umweltschonenden, geschlossenen Prozess hergestellt. TENCEL™ Fasern sind biologisch abbaubar und können so wieder vollständig an die Natur zurückgegeben werden. Durch ihre Integration in den Naturkreislauf tragen sie zur ökologischen Balance bei."
Von wem bezieht HANRO die Fasern?
CB: "Unsere TENCEL™ Fasern beziehen wir von der Firma Lenzing AG aus Österreich. Holz und Zellstoff stammen aus naturnahen Wäldern und nachhaltig bewirtschafteten Plantagen."
Was macht TENCEL™ Fasern so besonders?
CB: "TENCEL™ Fasern nehmen Feuchtigkeit auf und sind temperaturausgleichend. Die Haut fühlt sich dadurch jederzeit angenehm und trocken an. Zudem sind TENCEL™ Fasern hautfreundlich und haben einen weichen Griff."
Was ist besser, TENCEL™ Fasern oder Baumwolle?
CB: "Es gibt nicht entweder oder. TENCEL™ Fasern erweitern das Angebot und bieten eine nachhaltige Alternative, u.a. zu Baumwolle. Es ist wie bei Allem, die Balance macht es aus. Am Ende entscheidet der Kunde nach Gefallen und Haptik und kann mit gutem Gewissen beides kaufen."
Unsere Loungewear 'Pure Comfort' besteht zu 100 % aus TENCEL™ Fasern. Die Styles sind schick und bequem zugleich.
The popular 'Cotton Seamless' collection is made of 100% Cotton.
The new Loungewear 'Natural Comfort' is made of 100% TencelTM fibers.
TENCEL™ fibers, also known as Lyocell, are currently all the rage. What makes the fabric special and what are the differences to the popular cotton? We tell you everything you need to know about TENCEL™ fibers and cotton.
Even the high-quality clothing of the Greeks and Romans was made of cotton. To this day, cotton is valued for its lightness and great material quality, making it the most important resource for the textile industry. Cotton is grown on cotton plantations in tropical and subtropical regions, as it is sensitive to frost and requires a lot of moisture and warmth, especially in the ripening stage.
Cotton is more natural in further processing than TENCELTM fibers. Cotton is spun directly into yarn, which means that it retains its typically structured surface and the individual fibers are still recognizable. At HANRO, we only use high-quality, long-staple cotton fibers, which makes the end product smoother, shinier and softer. Cotton is physiologically most similar to our skin and feels warmer than TENCELTM fibers. Especially in winter, roughing up the cotton can create a cozy feeling.
TENCEL™ is the brand name for Lyocell fabric, created by the Austrian company Lenzing AG. The fiber is made from the raw cellulose fiber of wood pulp. Although, TENCEL ™ has a natural origin, the wood pulp goes through industrial processing. The fiber production itself is particularly environmentally friendly due to a closed loop cycle. TENCEL™ is mainly produced from eucalyptus trees, but can also be from acacia, maple, birch, poplar, beech, black alder, or spruce. Lenzing AG in Austria, only wood of European origin are processed into cellulose. All the wood that is used comes from certified and sustainably managed natural forests and plantations.
Unlike cotton, Lyocell is first chemically dissolved and then processed via spinnerets into a continuous fiber. This gives the fabric a soft hand and a subtle sheen. Especially in terms of sustainability, TENCEL™ lead a new generation of fibers. The raw material wood is fast-growing and requires less water during growth and processing. In addition, Lyocell perfectly combines the properties of well-known natural fibers: it cools like linen, is more absorbent than cotton, and has a silky feel. Products made of TENCEL™ fibers are particularly suitable for sports activities because they dry quickly. They also have a temperature-balancing, cooling effect due to their smooth surface that is perfect for summer.
TENCEL™ is the new trend material: derived from wood, TENCEL™ fibers combine the body-climatic properties of cotton and linen, while feeling soft as silk with a subtle sheen.
She is wearing the woolen sleep pajama with sustainable TENCEL™ fibers, a perfect companion for all situations.
"In the design process, the material is especially important. Fabric made of TENCEL™ fibers is incredibly soft, drapes nicely, and makes the silhouettes look classy and elegant. The fact that these fabrics are also sustainable is an absolute plus.
Product Management at HANRO
Expert Claudia Brugger tells us all about the new trendy fabric
What are TENCEL™ fibers?
CB: "The certified fibers are produced from the renewable raw material wood in an environmentally friendly, closed loop process. Tencel™ fibers are biodegradable and can thus be completely returned to nature. Through their integration into the natural cycle, they contribute to ecological balance."
From whom does HANRO source the fibers?
CB: "We obtain our TENCEL™ fibers from Lenzing AG in Austria. Wood and pulp come from natural forests and sustainably managed plantations."
What makes TENCEL™ fibers so special?
CB: "TENCEL™ fibers absorb moisture and are temperature-regulating. Therefore, it feels comfortable and dry at all times. In addition, TENCEL™ fibers are incredibly soft on the skin suitable for people with sensitive skin."
Which is better, TENCEL™ fibers or cotton?
CB: "There is no either or. TENCEL™ fibers expand the collection and offer a sustainable alternative to others fabrics, while Cotton is a classic. Like everything else, there are pros and cons to be considered. In the end, the customer decides according to their preferences and can purchase either with a clear conscience."
The pajama 'Natural Comfort' is made of 100 % aus TENCEL™ fibers. The styles are chic yet comfortable.
TENCEL™ fibers, also known as Lyocell, are currently all the rage. What makes the fabric special and what are the differences to the popular cotton? We tell you everything you need to know about TENCEL™ fibers and cotton.
Even the high-quality clothing of the Greeks and Romans was made of cotton. To this day, cotton is valued for its lightness and great material quality, making it the most important resource for the textile industry. Cotton is grown on cotton plantations in tropical and subtropical regions, as it is sensitive to frost and requires a lot of moisture and warmth, especially in the ripening stage.
Cotton is more natural in further processing than TENCEL™ fibers. Cotton is spun directly into yarn, which means that it retains its typically structured surface and the individual fibers are still recognizable. At HANRO, we only use high-quality, long-staple cotton fibers, which makes the end product smoother, shinier and softer. Cotton is physiologically most similar to our skin and feels warmer than TENCEL™ fibers. Especially in winter, roughing up the cotton can create a cozy feeling.
TENCEL™ is the brand name for Lyocell fabric, created by the Austrian company Lenzing AG. The fiber is made from the raw cellulose fiber of wood pulp. Although, TENCEL ™ has a natural origin, the wood pulp goes through industrial processing. The fiber production itself is particularly environmentally friendly due to a closed loop cycle. TENCEL™ is mainly produced from eucalyptus trees, but can also be from acacia, maple, birch, poplar, beech, black alder, or spruce. Lenzing AG in Austria, only wood of European origin are processed into cellulose. All the wood that is used comes from certified and sustainably managed natural forests and plantations.
Unlike cotton, Lyocell is first chemically dissolved and then processed via spinnerets into a continuous fiber. This gives the fabric a soft hand and a subtle sheen. Especially in terms of sustainability, TENCEL™ lead a new generation of fibers. The raw material wood is fast-growing and requires less water during growth and processing. In addition, Lyocell perfectly combines the properties of well-known natural fibers: it cools like linen, is more absorbent than cotton, and has a silky feel. Products made of TENCEL™ fibers are particularly suitable for sports activities because they dry quickly. They also have a temperature-balancing, cooling effect due to their smooth surface that is perfect for summer.
TENCEL™ is the new trend material: derived from wood, TENCEL™ fibers combine the body-climatic properties of cotton and linen, while feeling soft as silk with a subtle sheen.
"In the design process, the material is especially important. Fabric made of TENCEL™ fibers is incredibly soft, drapes nicely, and makes the silhouettes look classy and elegant. The fact that these fabrics are also sustainable is an absolute plus."
Product Management at HANRO
What are TENCEL™ fibers?
CB: "The certified fibers are produced from the renewable raw material wood in an environmentally friendly, closed loop process. Tencel™ fibers are biodegradable and can thus be completely returned to nature. Through their integration into the natural cycle, they contribute to ecological balance."
From whom does HANRO source the fibers?
CB: "We obtain our TENCEL™ fibers from Lenzing AG in Austria. Wood and pulp come from natural forests and sustainably managed plantations."
What makes TENCEL™ fibers so special?
CB: "TENCEL™ fibers absorb moisture and are temperature-regulating. Therefore, it feels comfortable and dry at all times. In addition, TENCEL™ fibers are incredibly soft on the skin suitable for people with sensitive skin."
Which is better, TENCEL™ fibers or cotton?
CB: "There is no either or. TENCEL™ fibers expand the collection and offer a sustainable alternative to others fabrics, while Cotton is a classic. Like everything else, there are pros and cons to be considered. In the end, the customer decides according to their preferences and can purchase either with a clear conscience."
Our 'Natural Comfort' loungewear is made from 100% TENCEL™ fibres. The styles are chic and comfortable at the same time.